How to Write MSF blog post? Step by Step Guide 2022

MSF Blog Post: The most effective way to communicate about our work is frequently via firsthand reports from those who are really doing it. Technical reports are great for reaching out to extremely specific groups, but for the vast majority of people, a real, personal depiction of someone’s experiences will be more intriguing and memorable.

MSF often uses blog postings to promote our goal and prepare prospective team members for what lies ahead. Your comments will be very beneficial to our efforts.

So, here are some ideas for writing an excellent blog post for MSF. You may read them all or skip to the section you want to focus on by using the options below.

5 steps to writing MSF Blog Post

1. Choose an intriguing topic.

These are just a few ideas. Don’t feel obligated to follow these suggestions since there are so many aspects of living with MSF blog posts that would make fantastic blog pieces. However, keep in mind that the best posts generally concentrate on a single unique story rather than a wide theme.

An article detailing one specific visit to a remote community as part of a vaccination campaign, for example, would have a stronger impact and be remembered than one discussing vaccine accessibility in general.

Send an email to to discuss a concept.

Narratives about a patient you’ve cared for (always respecting their dignity, privacy, and safety)

One physician, for example, wrote about a patient she would never forget.

Tell us about a difficulty your team has faced and how it overcome it.

This logistician gave the example of removing cattle from an airport.

In her post, Nurse Michelle detailed how a dance competition benefitted the health promotion team.

Stories of people going above and beyond to help our patients This might imply a lengthy journey or an additional effort.

Melissa, for example, reported wading across a swamp to reach patients.

Personal stories, such as how you came to work with MSF blog post or why you decided to become a nurse

Thok reflected on his journey from teenage refugee to MSF physician. Stories about a colleague that inspires you. Marten, for example, wrote about his amazing colleague Bakur.

Anything that has led you to feel extreme emotions at work, such as pleasure, laughter, pride, or sadness

Nurse Courtney was delighted with the children on board the search and rescue ship, for example. She subsequently used more difficult sentiments to produce her powerful message.

2. Select a structure.

You determine how to tell your story, but here are some ideas if you want to try something new.

Use the present tense to make the reader feel as though they are there with you.

By being there, the reader may better understand speed and urgency, like in this article.

However, under some circumstances, it may also allow them to interact slowly and deeply.

Maintain a journal

Example: Psychologist Katerina used a journal style to examine the many issues that immigrant children confront.

Make an open letter public.

For instance, when her little patient was injured in an explosion in Iraq, this doctor sent a touching open letter to her.

Make a list of everything.

Nurse Michal used a list to refute the top five myths about working with MSF.

Create a “narrative sandwich.”

If you want to include a lot of facts, try “sandwiching” them between two sides of a story that shows how the events you’re presenting influence people.

This laboratory specialist devised a “story sandwich” to demonstrate the relevance of a unique diagnostic procedure.

3. Write a powerful first line.

You want to pique the reader’s attention right immediately, but coming up with a method may be difficult. If you’re feeling stuck, try one of these ideas…

First, take some action.

An unexpected radio call inspired the snappy introduction of this piece.

Boost interest

Surgeon Shadi, for example, referred to unforeseen events but did not divulge them.

To establish the scene, describe what you can see, smell, and hear.

For example, one blogger emphasized the sights and sounds of Hamlet before explaining why he and his colleagues are there.

4. Keep the reader interested

After you capture the reader’s attention, you must keep it. Use the BITER checklist to ensure you have all of the necessary components for great storytelling.

Details on the environment

Contextual information that helps the reader understand the story

Information from the senses (what you can see, hear, smell, and feel, for example) to enhance the reader’s imagination


Explain the relevance of the events in your story. What is most important, especially for individuals who live in the places we serve?

Transitions and changes in direction

How did the story’s action unfold? Include challenges, obstructions, and unexpected events.

Personal and emotional data

Demonstrate your humanity as well as the humanity of others.

Sharing your feelings or those of your team might be part of this (tired, frustrated, proud)

It might also entail telling tales about specific people rather than making broad generalizations.


What occurred after all of the diversions and twists and turns? Close up all the gaps…

See if you can identify how the blogger in South Sudan incorporated each item on the BITER checklist when you read this piece, for instance.

5. Craft a powerful conclusion

It needs more than just recounting what happened to produce a compelling conclusion.

Say what you think

Example: Doctor Tor just conveyed his thoughts as he closed his post.

Return to the beginning

Example: In his paper, doctor Ebenezer started by presenting the account of the patient Nya-Cece and then revisited it at the finish.

Find hope and joy in life

Example: Francesco closed his speech by recalling another patient, whose life the team had been able to protect after a patient died away during emergency surgery.

Make a choice on the lesson you want your readers to learn from your tale.

Example: Midwife Steven closed his piece with a passionate reminder that the new ultrasound gadget has benefited him in safely delivering more babies.

Points to remember

Do not generalize.

Avoid using generalizations since they are typically unreliable and condescending, particularly if you’re writing about an area or a group of people you don’t know well.

The term “everyone in this town lives in terror” could spring to mind. But does everyone experience that? What is the basis behind this?

Instead, present concrete instances and explain where your beliefs have originated from. For E.g. “In the clinic, some patients tell us they are frightened of another attack”.

Final Thought: MSF Blog Post 

Most persons reading your blog piece won’t have worked. They may not have visited the country you are writing about. Most likely, they have never worked in a hospital. Therefore, remember them!

Your blog post’s potential viewership and impact are reduced if you employ technical terms and acronyms. Be cautious to explain the backdrop of the events and keep away from jargon.

Example: Piotr adopted a casual, approachable tone while writing about a technical issue to make his work attractive to readers of diverse ages and backgrounds.

Keep your team in mind

While we appreciate your unique ideas, we also recognize that teamwork is important to the success of MSF.

Always make careful to praise your colleagues for their efforts and accomplishments, and reflect this in the method you describe events. When it is more suitable to use “we” rather than “I,” such as when stating “we stabilized the patient” or “we planned the new pharmacy building,” use “we” rather than “I.”


Hye, I'm MUHAMMAD BILAL a Content Writer. Write Content here about Internet Tricks & Tips, SEO, Study tools, Coding related, and much more.

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