What is problem solving process in programming? | 2021

As technology advances, so we can face many problems in our daily life. Therefore, experts try new techniques every day to solve these problems. So, we call this whole process a problem-solving process that varies from field to field.

So, today, we will discuss how to solve a problem in programming and what are the techniques used to make it easy.

Problem Solving

A problem is a situation that requires attention to solve. Sometimes we face different problems. In which some are very difficult as well as some are easy. Therefore, a well-organized approach identifies the problem and develops, the best solutions to solve them. Moreover, they use different strategies and tools to solve problems. Furthermore, in which they used the computer as a tool to solve complex problems. So that the Computer work on instructions and a programmer give instructions to the computer as well as the computer executes them to solve problems.

Different Problem-solving techniques:

  • Program
  • Algorithm
  • Flowchart


A program is a set of instructions given to the computer to solve a specific problem. And also a programmer gives instructions to the computer according to the problem. So that the computer executes them to solve the specific problem. Therefore different programming languages that the programmers used are C++, Java, SQL, Python, etc.

Advantages of Computer Programs

There are different types of advantages let see:

  • Computer programs used to solve different types of problems
  • After executing the program get the result quickly
  • Execute one program many times
  • Display results in different styles
  • Make your work easy as well as a safe time
  • In every field, computer programs are used to perform different types of tasks.
  • In our daily life computer, the program makes our lives easy
  • An easy method of the problem-solving process

Also Read: Introduction to Python programming


Algorithms are used before writing a program. It is an easy way to write a program and solve the problem. Before writing a program make algorithms about it. Furthermore, then start writing the program. Therefore, it is a simple way to write a program and less time-consuming.

Properties of Algorithm

There are some properties of the algorithm let see:

  • Broken the problem in simple, meaningful steps
  • Steps are in numbered sequence
  • Steps were written in simple English

Now, let’s see the different types of algorithms used in computer programming for problem-solving:

1. Algorithms to find the sum, product, and average of three numbers.

Input three numbers a, b, c

If we calculate Sum = a + b + c

To calculate product = a * b * c

and calculate average = sum / 3

2. Algorithm to find the volume of a sphere

Input radius R

Pie = 3.14

Calculate Volume = 4 / 3 * pie * R * R * R

Result Volume

3. Algorithm converts the temperature form Celsius to Fahrenheit

Input temperature in (temp) and option in (op)

If op = 1

Calculate r = 9 / 5 * temp + 32


Calculate r = 5 / 9 * (temp – 32)

Result r

4. Algorithm finds the factorial of a number

Input number n

Fact = 1, c = 1

Repeat 4.1 to 4.2 While c <= n

4.1:         Fact = fact *c

4.2:        Increment c = c + 1

Result Fact

Advantages of Algorithms

There are some advantages of using algorithms let see:

  • Using algorithms for writing a program reduced the complexity and make it easy.
  • By using algorithms has increased flexibility. So that is used in every programming language.
  • Algorithms are easy to understand and also very easy method that helps in problem-solving.


The graphical representation of the solution of a problem is called a flowchart. It can also represent the flow of data in a sequence to explain and understand the problem easily. Furthermore, it has different types of symbols (Shapes) used to display the data. Moreover, every type of data has contained specific shapes.

Advantages of Flowchart

There are some important advantages of flowchart let see:

  • We can also define algorithms using flowchart are more effective
  • Flowchart guide developers to understand the problem
  • Through Flowchart easy to understand the problem
  • Also Using a Flowchart finding the error easily
  • Through flowchart creating program less time consuming

Flowchart Symbols

In the Flowchart different types of symbols are used for different statements. To clarify, we discuss these symbols one by one which are used in problem-solving.

1. Input/Output

Since a parallelogram symbol is used for the input/output step. Further Input is used to get input from a user and the output is used to display the output.

shape of input/output in programming flowchart

2. Process

A rectangular symbol represents the process step. Therefore in this step assign the statement for calculation.

shape of process flowchart in programming

3. Selection

A diamond symbol is used for the Selection step. In this step give a condition i.e. if 20 > 34 or 23 < 14 in this two directions are available. So, one direction if a condition is true and the second direction if the condition is false.

shape of selection in flowchart programming

4. Start/End

An oval symbol is used for End or Start the flowchart.

shape of start/end in programming flowchart

5. Flow Lines

The arrow symbol is used for the flow of the flowchart.  In case Four flow lines are used for it.

shape of flow lines in programming

6. Connector

The circle symbol is used for the connector. It can connect different flow lines with one another.

shape of connector in programming

7. Function Call

A rectangular symbol with double lines on the left and right sides is used for the function calls. Moreover, the Parameter is written inside it.shape of function call in programming

8. Preparation

This symbol is used to display the start as well as stop conditions for (for-loop).

shape of preparation in programming


In this article, we will discuss how the problem-solving process so, it helps us to solve our problems with the help of programming. Actually, in its techniques, we can also break the problem into different steps. So that we can solve it easily.


Hye, I'm MUHAMMAD BILAL a Content Writer. Write Content here about Internet Tricks & Tips, SEO, Study tools, Coding related, and much more.

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